School ~ 🧑💻
Experience designer
School ~ 🧑💻
Experience designer
School ~ 🧑💻
Experience designer
Nowadays, students are no longer or not at all interested in history. However, to know where we need to go, we need to know where we are from. This is why our project aims to restore the importance of history at the heart of education through a futuristic and interactive technique for younger generations.
Problem Statement
How to make World History exciting?
Restraint: Access and learning of history is hard and often boring.
Objective: To make learning history fun and attractive.
Solution considered: A ship traveling light years from Earth to observe its past history in real time.
🔗 You can find the files at this link.
Nowadays, students are no longer or not at all interested in history. However, to know where we need to go, we need to know where we are from. This is why our project aims to restore the importance of history at the heart of education through a futuristic and interactive technique for younger generations.
Problem Statement
How to make World History exciting?
Restraint: Access and learning of history is hard and often boring.
Objective: To make learning history fun and attractive.
Solution considered: A ship traveling light years from Earth to observe its past history in real time.
🔗 You can find the files at this link.
Nowadays, students are no longer or not at all interested in history. However, to know where we need to go, we need to know where we are from. This is why our project aims to restore the importance of history at the heart of education through a futuristic and interactive technique for younger generations.
Problem Statement
How to make World History exciting?
Restraint: Access and learning of history is hard and often boring.
Objective: To make learning history fun and attractive.
Solution considered: A ship traveling light years from Earth to observe its past history in real time.
🔗 You can find the files at this link.